En Manas - My mind A rumble through thoughts and feeling so sporadic yet sometimes deep. Does one thought lead to the next and does this make me who I am. A diary for my emotions -
Friday, April 22, 2011
Waiting for love
I wait for you my love
Minute on minute passes by
I count irresistibly
To hold you in my arms
To feel the passion of love
Passing through me to you
To taste the love you let go
As I let our love fulfill
This fantasy I nurture
A dream within my head
Reality may rule otherwise
Yet I wait for those few moments
I know not any other way
To shower my love to you
But to hold you in my arms
And let the animal take over
What this passion brings
To each other is known
Burning through our senses
The body reacting to love
Where do we get from there
Is not the big question
It is to live every minute intensely
And be aware of the Divine working
What breaks free is the ego
To let go of structures
To hold on to nothing substantial
But trust faith and love
Every moment luminous to love
Pours forth the great Truth
That we hold nothing within
But the love for each other in full
I love you for these words to evoke
Such passions within your mind
I wait for your body in my arms
And love you beyond all my wants
I am...
Om Tat Sat