Friday, November 29, 2013

Mirror in my mind

How long do I search for Him
Using the mirror in my mind
How long in shapes and forms
He seems to be of many race and colours
He even seems to know many tongues

Hey You with a beard or without one
I speak now to You like many before me
And many more to come
I suddenly felt lost when I thought You didn't exist
A thought so song that life felt meaningless without You in form

Hence I ask You now how much longer do I seek You
Using this mirror in my mind
For all I see are various forms

Some say there is a place beyond
Some a life better in Thy presence
But I can't accept any unless You show me here
Now a life of meaning

I believe I know Thy scent
Thy form shape and colour now
I am aware of Thy presence
Yet I cannot but sell You
Through the mirror in my mind

How much longer this hide and seek
How much longer do I hold
For I have shattered this mirror in the hope
That i take it that You are me alone
Here and now

I am. ...
Sat Cit Ananda

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Do we try to check with our views. Do we feel the necessity to have others cross verify or views. ..

Let me clarify, do I require someone to look at my thoughts or actions or words and tell me.. alright. .. is that process of validation required. Is that what I seek. ..or is it a necessity in society

Let me rephrase. ... is it necessary to seek help. Society and civilisation as we know it was not built by one man or one generation but by several. Did they need validation. ...

Do we make ourself smaller by seeking ideas. Do we make ourselves weaker by asking what we need. .. do we put itself at a disadvantage setting ourself exposed in seeing help or ideas. ....

Let me rephrase. .. do I see myself put at difficulty in seeking help or ideas. ....

On the contrary. ..I believe my strength is in saying what I need to say and asking what I feel like asking. I may have hurt several in this process... some I regret.... most I don't. .... for I spoke the Truth and that which I felt necessary to be spoken.

But why this seeking in a space meant for those thoughts spiritual or mystical

This is spiritual.. for when there is an urge that cannot be stopped it is better to say it rather than be lost in what history should say. Man could evolve beyond urge for he had always brought out his fears.

In seeking help I have only brought out what is human.

I guess it's the need to be 'civilized' that puts the seeking man at a disadvantage. .. for the perspective is always the presentation and rarely the help being sought or so I believe at this instant

The problem is not in the help sought or the person sought or the exposal of the fear itself or rightly.... the direction itself. ...its is in the presentation. ....

I am glad I approached seeking help. ..I only pray I learn to present them better. ..

I learn. ...I am. ...Sat Chit Ananda