Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Shiva Puranam - Thiruvachagam


Blessed is the name Na Ma Si Va Ya ! blessed are the Lord`s feet !
Blessed are the feet that part not from my bosom even for the time, the eyes take to wink !
Blessed are the feet of the Gem of a Guru who rules over Kokazhi !
Blessed are the feet of God who turning into the Aagamas, tastes sweet !
Blessed are the feet of Him who is one as well as many !
Hai the feet of the Sovereign who put an end to my commotion, and rules me !
Hail Pigngnaka`s feet – fastened with gem-inlaid anklets -, which do away with embodiment !
Hail the flowery and ankleted feet of Him who is far away from the pursuers of alien faiths !
Hail the King who indwells them and rejoices when they fold their hands in worship !
Hail the glorious feet of Him who elevates them that bend their heads in adoration !
The feet of Lord-God, praise be ! The feet of my Sire, praise be ! The feet of the radiant One, praise be ! The salvific feet of Siva, praise be ! The feet of Nimalan poised in love, praise be ! The feet of the Monarch that snaps delusive birth, praise be ! The feet of our Good of glorious Perunturai, praise be !
The Mount that, in grace, gives joy insatiate, praise be !
As, He Siva, abides in my Chinta, I will adore His feet by His Grace,
And with a gladsome heart so narrate Siva-Puraanam That my entire past Karma will perish !
The One with an eye in His forehead came to me to cast His benign look on me;
I adored His beautiful, ankleted feet that are beyond the reach of Thought;
He fills the heaven and the earth; He is the exceedingly bright light; – 20
O God!, You are infinite ! You are boundless!

I, the base one of evil Karma, know not the way to narrate Your immense glory ! O our God !
Grass, herb, worm, tree, beasts a good many, bird, snake, stone, men, ghouls, bootha-host,
cruel Asuras, sages and Devas: I was born as all these fauna and flora,
and am now utterly fatigued Lo, I have this day, beheld Your golden feet and gained deliverance !
O true One, You abode in my soul as Om for my redemption ! O Vimala ! O Rider of the Bull !
When the Vedas invoked You As “Sire“ You grew lofty, deep, broad and subtle !
You are hottest as well as coldest ! O Vimala ! You are Yajamaan ! In grace,
You came to chase away all that is false ! You are true Gnosis, the true radiant Flame !
O God sweet to me – the ignorant one ! O goodly Gnosis that removes nesicience ! -
Uncreated, immeasurable and endless, You create foster, resolve all the worlds and bestow grace;
thus you ply, Lead and cause me enter Your servitorship ! You are like the fragrance in flower;
You are far away as well as close by; You, the Author of the Vedas, will manifest When word and manam cease ! You are like fresh milk, juice of sugarcane and ghee – excellently compounded !
You abide in the Chinta of devotees like a spa of honey ! It is thus, O our God,
You snap our birth and embodiment ! You are of five hues ! You hid Yourself O our God,
when the celestials hailed You ! I, the one of cruel Karma, stand wrapped by the concealing murk of Maya ! I am fettered by the strong, twyfold rope of merit and demerit; My body is skin-wrapped; it everywhere covers worm and dirt; It is a filthy nine-gated hovel and all My five senses cause deception; So, O Vimala, with my beastly manam I foster no love for You at all !
I am unendowed with the weal of melting in love for You ! – To me, such a base person, You granted grace ! You deigned to come down on earth to reveal unto me Your long, ankleted feet !
To me, a servitor, worse than a cur, You, the true One, are more merciful than mother !
You are a flawless Flame, a burgeoning flower-like radiance ! O One of Light !
O honeyed Nectar ! O Lord of Sivapuram ! O salvific Arya that cuts the binding fetters !
O great River of Mercy that unfailingly flows in the heart causing loving grace to flourish,
the while annulling its deceptious nature ! O Nectar insatiate, O measureless God !
O Light that hides in the hearts of those that cannot realise You ! Melting me like water,
You abide in me as the Life of my dear life ! You are with and without joy and sorrow !
You love those that love You; You are everything; You are nothing ! You are light;
You are dense murk; Your glory is Your being uncreate ! O Beginning !
You are the Middle and the End, and none of these !
O my Father and God, You drew me to You and ruled me !
You are the rare vision of those who with their sharp wisdom true, realize Your presence !
You are the exceedingly subtle insight, rare to come by !
You are the most minute and subtle consciousness ! You are the holy One free from death,
birth or attachment ! You are our protecting Sovereign ! You are the great Light unbeholdable !
O flooding River of Bliss ! O Father ! O One par excellence ! O ineffable and subtle consciousness !
You appear in many, different forms, in this – the ever-changing world !
You are Knowledge, precise and certain ! You are the Clarity that informs accuracy !
You are the spring of potable Nectar that thrives in my Chinta ! You are the Lord-Owner !
I cannot abide in the fleshy body so different from the soul !
You are the One that can annul the false and sense-fettered bodies of those who hailing and praising You as “Our Sire ! “ and “O Hara!
“ Have got rid of falsity and become Truth And who would not get reborn here, having severed their nexus with Karma !
O Lord that dances in dense darkness ! O Dancer of Tillai ! O One of Southern Paandya Realm !
O One that ends troublous birth ! They that thus hail You who cannot be hailed with words,
and recite this hymn compact of divine grace, fully realizing its true import, Will fare forth to Sivapuram to abide there For ever, beneath the sacred feet of Siva, surrounded and humbly hailed by many many devotees.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Will the stars ever stop to shine
Do they wait for a minute and think
That they are wasting their every bit of time
In making a little light for someone somewhere
Who enjoys and least understands
And finally he sins again
Ah, ignorance is such bliss

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Love - Who am I 2

I am love
Love is seeing
Love is hearing
Love is breathing
Love is everything that is to be done

Love is thinking
Love is feeling
Love is being conscious
Love is being dead

How can that be
How can Love be dead
Love is alive
Yet Love is dead

Love is alive
The single element of consciousness
is available everywhere and in everything
Like space
Space encloses Air, Air Fire, Fire Water and Water Earth
Consciousness Encloses Space
If I die space dies
Then space should not exist when I die
The problem is I still 'think' I am the body
I am consciousness
This body can be dropped
but the concept of space is in consciousness
hence consciousness remains

Confused? I am too but it is true
I have not realized it fully
but I am convinced
I just need to work more

Love is Dead
When there is no thing other than consciousness
When the One has projected into the many where is the question of the Other when the One is the MAny
Hence there is no Other
Hence there is no Love
Love can be exhibited only when there is an other
There is no other
Therefore Love is Dead

I am Love
I am alive
Yet I am dead
I am convinced
I am ...

Sat Chit Ananda

Who am I 1

I am on a Quest
Something done so many times
A Beaten Path
Written many times over
Religion lives on it
Feeds on it
Prayers made for it
Fanatics kill for it
And Gods try to hide it

Yet I am on this Quest
To know who I am
Why am I here
What am I doing
Who is this God
Where from does He come
What is this substratum

I had decided to follow the path shown by the Upanishads
Philosophical portions of the Vedas
A culture, a religion widely known as Hinduism
Today Hinduism is plagues only by the term Caste
People dont seem to understand that the caste has been there for ages and shall still remain

There are only four categories of people
Ones who research, ones who rule, ones who do business and ones who work for the other three

We still are continuing the same thing
Only that the culture decided to make it by birth as it was easier for education
But this system of highs and lows came up later
And as usual thats due to human greed and nothing else

The Vedas do not mention anywhere that the brains are better than the hands
Infact all these sections are said to have originated from the various parts of the single whole

Anyway, thats not my concern as there are enough people to argue about these
And they wouldnt be satisfied even in their graves

This discussion regarding caste and Hinduism do not go together as social norms are always subject to change.
So let me shoot straight to where I am getting at.

Who am I?
I cannot be this body! I am convinced regarding this aspect
I can be without my leg if it has to be amputated
Hands even, why there are some people without both

Not the eyes, not the nose, not the ears
There are still more people without these even

So who am I
I am a reflection of something greater than what is
I do not know what it is though
Something luminous
Something self sufficient
Something Real
Something that is beyond the sense of logic
Something that cannot be inferred

I am real
I do not need someone to tell me I am awake
I am conscious

There seems to be an integral element that transmits this consciousness into the body
I do not know what it is
I am ignorant about this

This seeming ignorance is what is capitalized by the Upanishads
Because there is this difference between who I am and this consciousness
There is a problem of identification
Am I this consciousness or am I everything but the consciousness

Let me go deeper
If I am convinced that I am not the body
What about the mind and intellect
I was alive before I knew a b c d
I was ignorance before a b c d
I was existent then
I am existent now
I have been existing before I knew what anger was
I am existent now even though I know that anger is useless

What is this ignorance
I am not satisfied with this 'knowledge'
I need more
I need to shake away these disturbance and be in the Real