Sunday, March 12, 2006


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Incredible Post

underneath those layers of resistence all that's left is the nakedness of our souls. pure. unfiltered. immensely personal and intricately simplistic. a fragment of truth in its most organic form. but with morter made of broken dreams and shattered hearts we brick ourselves from hurt. and although we secretly wait for that one person whom we will finally allow to break through, in reality we just sweep the ravages of beautific memories beneath the porcelin tiles of a million cold nights because we're ALWAYS short on love.

i read somewhere that the hummingbird's heart is the size of a pencil eraser, yet they can fly more than five hundred miles without pausing! their hearts are built thinner and leaner to endure the insanity of such flight but when they come to rest they come close to death. yet, they fly, breathe, and live more passion in their short two-year lifespan than a two-hundred year old tortoise retreating into its shell at the first sign of danger, heartbreak, life. i envy those hummingbirds for leaving their little pencil eraser hearts open to enjoy those few seconds, minutes, hours, days in the stratosphere. their infinitesimal souls fighting resistence, gravity, inertia...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Conscious Dream

The thoughts from past
Hold my mind
As friends and foes
Play their roles

All these a dream
No more I feel
The past I cant change
Just like my dreams

Could I have done this
Or something else
Would I be someone
In another place

Do I want to be different
Would I be better than this
Thoughts from the past
Are all that remain

Am I this for what I know
Or am I this because I am destined so
I claim I dont care
But why then these linger

These thoughts of yore

Change I want here and now
The past is gone
A dream well remembered
Can I change the now without the past?

The rain falls as usual
A chaotic calm
Forced by waters
Churning around

People wait like frogs
Croaking and screaming
Wanting to venture
Into the snakes fangs

Is this present because of the past
Or is it what it is irrespective of time?

Questions Questions .. no answer I know
To stop my mind
From its painful flow
Can I not change the here and now?

I conclude from the philosophies
That the past is a dream
A dream held in conscious memory

I can change no past
Nor is the future clear
Whay then pain myself
With every mans fear

The here and now is all I have
This is the very Truth I conclude for now
For I am conscious of a dream
A dream I hold so dear.. my life

I am ..
Sat Chit Ananda

Monday, March 06, 2006

In touch with Shiva

Here i am, an entity
In flesh and blood
Sick and tired
Of this mad rush for wealth

Holding on to sanities chord
I lie here waiting
For the moment to dawn
That moment.. I succeed

Waiting, I see through
This pin hole of a brain
and stop for a second
All thoughts of fame

A glimpse, a ray of light
When all around including i
Fade into a screen of varied colours

Life, a picture in motion
A movie in time
I see this world
inside thee

Om Nama Shivaya
Sat Chit Ananda