Love is seeing
Love is hearing
Love is breathing
Love is everything that is to be done
Love is thinking
Love is feeling
Love is being conscious
Love is being dead
How can that be
How can Love be dead
Love is alive
Yet Love is dead
Love is alive
The single element of consciousness
is available everywhere and in everything
Like space
Space encloses Air, Air Fire, Fire Water and Water Earth
Consciousness Encloses Space
If I die space dies
Then space should not exist when I die
The problem is I still 'think' I am the body
I am consciousness
This body can be dropped
but the concept of space is in consciousness
hence consciousness remains
Confused? I am too but it is true
I have not realized it fully
but I am convinced
I just need to work more
Love is Dead
When there is no thing other than consciousness
When the One has projected into the many where is the question of the Other when the One is the MAny
Hence there is no Other
Hence there is no Love
Love can be exhibited only when there is an other
There is no other
Therefore Love is Dead
I am Love
I am alive
Yet I am dead
I am convinced
I am ...
Sat Chit Ananda