Saturday, April 09, 2011

I learn...

I have always wondered why so many people keep writing about roses, clouds and love. I set on to write down something different or so I thought. Then I started feeling lonely as I have always been trying to stand out of the crowd!

I have never felt included because I was(considered myself) always special. I have expressed thoughts only to myself and became self centered. I was(in my mind) always the saviour and hence became a cynic! What had I been all these years?

I had misunderstood everything about the rose! I had failed to see the beauty of the rose and try to express it as much as I understood. I had not seen the world as beautiful as it should be. I had imagined the rose within a contorted self centered world which I wanted to be in control of(!!!) which I have never appreciated at all.

I think I now see clearly the beauty of this rose, this thing called life, to the extent I have understood and I am happy that I stood amongst the crowd rather than away from it holding hands with my people supporting freedom from 'myself'!!

May I be able to describe the rose as beautiful as it is; like the great lovers of the world before me and the great one's after me.

May I be forgotten as one of those fools who tried writing about the beauty of the rose!

May I learn to enjoy life and live in it as one who provides rather than takes

May the hands of the Infinite guide me in this journey of life

Om Tat Sat