Should I throw myself into the battlefield
To overcome this fear of longing
Should I turn myself into an ascetic
To overcome this constant yearning
Seek and Ye shall find
Has been told by the ancients
And I feel I have saturated my passion
To continue in this meaningless search
The outside seems to hold fewer answers
The results sought outside being temporary
The inside seems to be deep and dark
And inward I have never turned myself
Dip the intellect into this unknown well
Dark and deep is the silence within
Raising doubts on my own sanity
I have wantonly stayed away from delving ..
A time has come now today
Where words hold no meaning
Without my interpretions
And I know not whats mine
Without knowing whats deeper within
Where from this audacity
I know not
For I question whats been told
I know not
Whether these noises
Are Intution or my foolishness
Attributed to my past
I wont know for sure
Unless I seek inwards now
And mine these dark insides
For answers I have sought
To the eternal problem of life
I can see below a trace of light
At a distance I cannot judge
Something within me speaks again
That she is You who looked inside
I close my eyes and jump inside
Holding my breath
And all my thoughts
I pray I have taken the right steps
In this adventure for Immortal Life
I pray to Thee to direct me
I pray to Thee for Your Knowledge I seek
Your answer baffles me more than ever
For all I hear is I am Thee
Tat Tvam Asi
I jump...
Asato Ma Sat Gamaya
Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya
Om Tat Sat