Any problem given today to be solved involves three principles to reach a conclusion on how to carry on. Firstly, on reading the problem we try to think whether we have had a similar case in the past. If yes, we have “knowledge” of the case in another circumstance under different conditions. If no, then we refer other sources of to find out about the “knowledge” of a similar problem in the past.
Now that we have the knowledge of a similar problem, we try to “understand” the given problem IN THE LIGHT OF the knowledge acquired. With THIS UNDERSTANDING we analyze the problem to be solved and we come to a conclusion on what is to be done. Hence the given problem is solved or is tried to be solved by coming to a “decision” [DECISION MAKING] CONDITIONED BY an UNDERSTANDING BASED ON PAST KNOWLEDGE.
If the solution and the result obtained after solving the problem is desirable, then the approach has paid off. If the result is not fulfilled what went wrong? One can come up with hundreds of reasons and logic, set up talk shows and write papers based on this problem, its solution and the undesirable effect it produced, THOUGH THE PROBLEM REMAINS YET TO BE APPROACHED AGAIN WITH A NEW PERSPECTIVE.
But whatever the decision of this discussion could be, the approach will be a method of, “A solution based on the Decision conditioned by the Understanding based on past Knowledge.” Hence we fall into a loop repeating what we already did. It is therefore no surprise when we see the fact that “History repeats itself”. Man evolves from animals, kingdoms are formed, kingdoms are demolished, man becomes an animal in his behavior/nature, looting, drinking which even animals avoid, governments formed, war, formed, fall……
It is to be noted here that throughout history the common factor has been an EXISTENCE of a common BEING, a life force in varying shapes and natural instincts, an evolution in form yet a life form, the source unknown, present CONSCIOUSLY AT ALL TIMES though varying in INTELLIGENCE and itself remaining same on what is happening in the realm of the physical phenomena. This BEING, the common factor is the LIFE that has been in various forms. No matter what has been happening, this life form has EXISTED from a small amoeba to man today.
I approach this discussion on the TRUTH of the CONSCIOUS, CONTINUOUS EXISTENCE (SAT-CHIT) conditioned by “my” understanding of the knowledge talked about in Vedanta. I shall not make any decision on this topic because the decision is subject to change at the instance of an improved understanding of the “extra and known” knowledge that I “might” acquire from the Vedas.
It is necessary for me to change my approach in trying to understand the books I read on Vedanta. It is not a one time change that I had to undertake but a continuous chain of change. I find that the progress is futile unless one statement is fully understood in the perspective written before the next line is read or at least a re-reading necessary before claiming a full understanding of the words. By the time the words have sunk in and the next sentence is approached, a new perspective will have to be drawn. So a constant adaptation is necessary in reading. So I will not claim that I have understood the full import of Vedanta as I read only from interpretations of the Vedas and not the words of the Vedas themselves. It is hence only my understanding of Vedanta.