The magic performed on stage has been called illusory or hypnosis. Something vanished into thin air, snakes flew, ropes stand etc. If this is to be termed illusion then the world we see today is an illusion too. Illusion is something that is not existent.
But on further analysis it is to be noted that the intelligent cause the magician/performer knows the sequence of operation of this “illusion”. Not only do the audience perceive this “illusion” but also the magician himself. When the phenomena exhibited is perceived by one and all within the reach of vision, then the “illusion” seizes to be one and becomes and “existing” phenomena AT THAT INSTANT when it is perceived. What follows the event is only a sequence but this sequence is fully “known” to the performer of the “illusion”. Not only does he “know” the method but also he has practiced its performance at an earlier time until it was mastered. His knowledge on this act is complete. A person who studied “magic” under him studies it with devotion and also is able to acquire the knowledge from his master.
The audience on their part, dazed, fascinated and overcome with amusement exhibit the state of the man who mistook the rope for the snake.
The magic that I am referring to is the famous ROPE TRICK performed in the court of TRAVANCORE.
Maya has been termed as illusion and is referred to in the wrong places by many. The world is all Maya. The world is an illusion- it is said. If the world is an illusion then one must not perceive it. What is perceived by one is not perceived by the other etc. The world becomes something that is not there. But I perceive it, I live in it and I am sustained by it. Therefore I say Maya – Illusion is a fancy concept and due to my direct experience with this so called “illusion” I come to reject the Theory of Maya. This had been my own line of thought for sometime.
Maya does not mean illusion. The definition of Maya is too complex to be explained as far as I understand it. It can be referred to though. Maya is “Shakti” of the Lord. Shakti is strength or power inherent in the user. I display my Shakti in lifting up weights. Similarly Maya is an inherent strength, a property of Himself which He exhibits. Since Maya belongs to the Lord, Maya also becomes One with the Lord. Hence Maya is also the Mother or Ambal or Shakti.
Maya is the principle which is used by the Lord in “creating” the world as we see it. When the working of Maya is not understood, or when one is ignorant of what Maya is, then Maya is an illusion or in the words of the earlier definition “the misapprehension due to the nonapprehension of Reality”.
When one comes to respect and love this Maya then only one comes to apprehend her. Maya hence becomes existence because it being the source of creation of the world it becomes and existing phenomena when understood in its full import or it becomes an illusory phenomena if it becomes an illusory phenomena due to ignorance.
The world is hence existent and not therefore an illusion. Therefore knowledge becomes a pre-requisite for a proper understanding of this existing phenomena.