En Manas - My mind A rumble through thoughts and feeling so sporadic yet sometimes deep. Does one thought lead to the next and does this make me who I am. A diary for my emotions -
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Do we care for these Waves
These waves that rise and fall
Hissing constantly
Sometimes roaring
Soothing at some other
The froths that appear
Colouring the surface
For a few moments
Only to subside and die
Do we care for that wave
For it leaps out of the depths
The ocean pulls it under
While the wave tries to fly
Out into the sky and crashing hard
Only to become the ocean again
This life I call mine
Seems as much the same as this wave
Rising and screaming to live
To prove to achieve
Only to fall back hard
And aceept that it ends
Yet suppose the wave 'knows'
Suppose she 'realizes'
She is the power of the ocean
That as though rises
And as though falls
Thus making herself known
That she is alive and bursting with life
She the wave is the ocean itself
And becomes boundless
If only I can understand in the same way
I become He, nay
I am He
Om Tat Sat