Does it matter how He is called
Does it matter what name one calls Him
Does it matter what language holds good
Does it matter whether one is able to speak at all
Does it matter what position one holds
Does it matter whether one is dressed at all
Does it matter whether there is any thing
Other than total Love for Him from within
Every sound made speaks of Him
Every action resonates calling out for Him
Every origination of thought is directed to Him
Every second etches more of His Love to memory
Even time bears as an imagination
Offering itself into eternity for Him
Hence He is AUM sound itself
Call Him what you may
Act like however You please
He is manifest in all as Love
His is what the world is
In His mirth we live
May this life be directed to Him
May I drink of this cup of life
May this life be filled with Love
I see Him now
Om Tat Sat