Sunday, March 14, 2010

Divinity alone IS

Even the worst person (you may think!) has the Thought and can choose to act on the thought.

Divinity IS and is the only thing that IS!

Oh Shiva, Great is Your mind
Great is your thought
Great is Your vision. Oh Lord!
All Greatness is Yours alone
Let Your thoughts inspire me
Let Your vision be mine
Let my mind dwell in You
Let this pseudo identity merge
Oh Lord! Great are You
Oh Shiva, Oh Shiva
Om Tat Sat

The Divine is Universal
The Divine thoughts continuously rise likes the waves of the sea in the stillness of the mind
Yet we are too busy too preoccupied with our own false expectations and in-correctable memories
Yet the Divine Will, The Divine Love showers forth His Omnipresence in acts of kindness
The worst of individuals in their craving for sadistic yearnings do unconsciously carry out these unexpected deeds
The deeds are the extensions of the Divine continuously showering forth inspirations

Hence even the vilest of beings as we see them have their Divine role in carrying out consciously and unconsciously the Will the Divine
The forces of Good and Evil merge in the reality of Existence Consciousness and Divine Bliss
Thus encompassing the entire Universe of what was, IS and shall ever BE.

Oh Divine One, Let Your Love prevail
Om Tat Sat
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shantihi