Sunday, March 14, 2010


There is no creation!

Whatever is to be created is always already there.... hence there is ONLY 'Discovery'

Creativity is a keen observation of what IS and applying your individuality to what is already available to be discovered.

The sculptor has the image of his creation in his mind. This image is a sequence of events or his interpretations of certain events recreated to tell a story or vision in stone. But his experience is but a recreation of events that already IS. His interpretation ... if dwelt upon with all possible alternatives and logic ... an understanding of what already IS. This interpretation hence is 'Discovered' not created.

The Discovery takes place as a thought which on subsequent nurturing 'develops' as an image in the mental space/plane. This vision of the image hence before taking shape in the sculpture becomes something that already IS.

The process of sculpture hence becomes the orientation of work to bring alive the vision, the interpretation, the idea or the concept of what already IS. Hence the sculpture becomes something that is a representation of what is 'Discovered' by the sculptor and not what is 'Created' by the sculptor.

This interpretation, this thought to understand the event of experience has its origins in the Divine which is omni-present, omni-potent and omni-scient hence the Thought already IS in the Divine which was revealed or 'dis'-'covered' by the sculptor.