I've searched the depths of this heart
Empty every word ever said
Where in does this quest end
For answers to questions unsaid
I walk and run and crawl
To find works that answer my thoughts
Do I stop and wait for clues
That fetch the bliss of Truth
These tiny thoughts and words fall short
To seek the eternal tunes of Gods
Do I stop for answers or works
That quench my quest for thoughts
Lie after lie written and told
Upon the memory of man long gone
Holding thought to those dead words
We fight and kill to hoard
Death may answer questions untold
To the ones Death decides to hold
I wait not for Death to roll
Into my path that unfolds
Death shall come and pass
Heavens and hell may last
The length of a mad mans thoughts
For every prayer of the past
Death, mans excuse for a God
In laziness religions last
Knowledge the key to Bliss
Mans eternal quest at last
I stop here to reflect
Words and deeds of man
In Truth I see the essence
The Bliss of eternal exitence
I am..
Sat Chit Ananda