Grha..(Home, My Body speaks)
Darkness .. a condition?
Or is it a state of mind
Is it an absence of light?
Or is it the nature of Bliss
What is this thought
What words are these
Where did they come from
I struggle to see
Let me go back
To the womb of my thoughts
Where it is still dark
to sleep in my true nature
No thoughts, no words
No light, no love
Is this true?
Is there such a state?
Is this death?
Is this the goal?
Is this the false heaven
We all crave to go?
Darkness.. so sweet
It holds a melody
That melts my soul
I remain, Dark...
Sat Chit Ananda
Kaama (My Desire Speaks)
... Darkness?
I know not why I write this
I know this isnt true
I know this does not explain life
Where did love disappear?
I know there have been moments of joy
the moments of sadness in my life
The moments of despair
The gushing streams of excitement
The gladness in achievement
The bliss of knowledge
The smiles of the beloved
And the tears from a child
Can Darkness reveal these?
Is Darkness greater than
The momentary passing scenes
Would you not want these?
The senses crave
The taste lingers
Your heart beats
And you feel the warmth
What more can you ask for?
And there it is for you
This world provides you
This world feeds your flames
Burn mind! Burn
Light is an illusion
Tempt your self
Spoil your self
Stand up you lazy soul
Is this the goal in meditation?
Is this what you pray for?
Where to, you go in vain
Come, take my hand
I shall provide you
I shall embrace you
Come join my fold
Jnana (Knowledge)
Walk this trodden path
Until you see the Truth
There is no Light
There is no Darkness
There is no God
Realize this Truth
There is just One Truth
The Truth that you are alive
This moment though fleeting
So colourful or dull
It is this moment that decides
Which path you are to take
Choose wisely now
For you are to fall hard
Who knows what the heavens hold
Every pure soul that lived
I would not go there to see
Every soul that existed on this earth
For eternity and more
Leave aside these dreams
Choose now foolish mind
Live this moment well
Stop this useless thought
Stand up now and choose
Every goal is a dream
And every dream is untrue
There exists not a dream
That remains the way it is dreamt
Dream on; but know that it is a lie
If there were a God; I am HE
I am He; I care not for the heavens
Because I live for the here and now
I know not what comes tomorrow
I cannot change the past
I have my problems today
I wish to have them solved
I remain...
Moi .. (Me)
Shanti!! Shanti!! Shanti!!
Yada Yada Hi Darmasya
Glanir Bhavati Bharatha
Abhyuthanam Adharmasya
Tadatmaanam Srjamyaham**
(Peace!! Peace!! Peace!!
Whenever there is a decay of righteousness, O Bharatha
and a rise of unrighteousness, then I manifest Myself)
I dont know for what
I know not for whom
I see unrighteousness
I see the said decline
I am here
I see...
I know not where I came from
I know not where I go
I know that I exist
and I have a sense of righteousness
Am I to fight?
Am I to kill?
Am I to love?
or Am I to earn?
I have many questions
I have no answers
I shall live, for sure
as long as this being breathes
I know I am not the being
as I have existed without
I shall exist more
As I am existence
But now I shall act
The part I have been given
I dont write its script
I dont choose my role
I act.
I am ... Sat Chit Ananda
**Bhagavath Gita ChIV/7
Grha - I am this body
Kaama - I am the Mind
Jnana - I am the Intelligence
Moi - I am the Soul
Who am I?
I am... Sat Chit Ananda