What are these
A Rain of words
Meaningless to many
Expressions to one
Do I write to please
Or is it that I am pleased
Do these signify who I am
Or is it an expression of who I am
Am I lost or confused
Am I an ego maniac
Is it that I expect to change
Or is it that I want someone to change
Do I desire what I write
Or do these words reach someone
What am I expecting
when I myself say 'I am' in silence
I express what I feel
I wish to put in words the same
When I reach out into the depths
Where consciousness has a larger reach
I know not of the world
As I know it as change
But the one thing constant
Is this depth and silence in consciousness
I cannot reach out to consciousness
For I am the very consciousness
I write so that I am countered
For the words are those of the mind
My mind is the world
And so she changes
Tired and frustrated she babbles
As I; consciousness watch her change
This diary I write so I can observe her change
My mind tired and frustrated..
For her silence reveals her nothingness
As she dissolves in me ... consciousness
I write so my mind dissolves
And she watches her disappear
Into me consciousness
For I am ....
Sat Chit Ananda