Saturday, August 13, 2016


A bad workman blames his tools
How foolish have I been
I've been blessed with the most sophisticated tool
Magical and most powerful
Yet not knowing what if is I have taken it to be me
I took it not to be me
I blamed it for all unpleasant situations
And held it as the reason for all the gaps between reality

Oh Mind
Thou Art Divine

The whole world I perceive is because of You
You are Shakti
You are Her blessing
You are filled with Love
My ignorance perceives Her Love
As desire, anger, hurt, pride, lust,greed
For I don't see Her in Your functioning

You are a Kavacha (armour),Her blessing
And not my curse
You are Swarga where Indra resides
All the Devas functions in You
May You lead me to Him
May Her Love Blossom into my Destiny

May I fill Your activity with Her Thoughts

You are Aananda

Om Tat Sat