Sunday, December 28, 2014

Magic - The Love Divine

Words are such a powerful medium they stretch the horizons of imagination.

Fear contracts the known and expands the unknown into a void. Space loses meaning as the 'fear' emotion fills this void. It distinguishes known from unknown and creates such a force within to ensure control so as to bring about a certain predictability to circumstances. The unknown is feared greater still and this void is replaced with belief where predictability and comfort is at its best and this 'state' is christened Heaven.

Working backwards the predictability is pushed into rituals and religion is framed to work the mind into accepting patterns and shunning anything that hints towards unpredictability.

Words. ...words ...those magical sounds that is filled with choicest meanings so as to let the mind unravel the frontiers of imagination to include the void with a presence. A presence christened - 'Love'.

Love is as usual a misunderstood word. Love given is much more meaningful than love received. Love given is duty for the unknown can be included only with Love.

Fear can be replaced only with Love and Love calls for empathy, an embrace of acceptance as is. This calls for understanding which forces one to observe and listen to this void, this source of fear.

Words. ..magical sounds of power. They can control, let go or simply clear the air by bringing a sense of acceptance and adaptivity. Maybe that is why we seek pride from our mother tongue for it gives us comfort ensures predictability yet we limit ourselves within this framework of culture surrounding language.

What is more than language is Love for it is a deeper Truth not merely sounds.

Yet words reveal Love. ..rather Love expresses itself through one medium called the word. Maybe that is why every religion celebrate the spoken word.

Love expresses itself not only through words but also the other mediums like sight, touch, satisfying hunger, sleep etc.

But these words are magical as they enable our unknown into the known space; by allowing us to include that which is not yet even 'seen' ;understood; or yet controlled. Love gives that freedom to let go and just be, that the unknown is simply treated as known and worked with- only when necessary. Imaginative, yet acceptable, for fear - creates pangs of emotion for control and establishment of predictability; that Love circumvents and 'let be'; as though by throwing a lair of magical veil over the unknown and treat it as though Divine; purposeful even yet Unknown.

Magic. ..These words. ..

They spread Love; for suddenly every thought is free, accepted, un-judged and even worthy of exploration. The sudden inclusion of the unknown into the Divine brings about a certain sanctity to study and to know. Love becomes the ability to Live and Life itself is suddenly Divine.

Control is thrown out and predictability becomes an excuse to avoid fear.

Words extend every single progressing moment into exploration of the Unknown as the Divine. Divinity take shape as situations places people things. Every single entity merges into an expression of the Divine as we embrace this Unknown and replace the 'fear void' into the 'Love Divine'


It has been sometime since I've written the flow of thoughts. I have been recently prodded by Dr.P and Dumbledore (J.K.Rowling) with the touch of Divinity from my Gurus Swami Dayananda Saraswati and Swami Paramaarthaananda Saraswati