Sunday, October 09, 2011

You the dreamer... Wake up

What is supernatural
What is so ordinary
What is so pleasurable
What could not be so

What could be more unbelievable
Than the fact that for no reason
I wake up again and again
To do things that will get removed by time

What else could be possible oh Lord
Than the reason that I exist
Is for Your pleasure
While I remain the dream and You the dreamer

What could possibly be the reason
That I suppose I am free
And play this role of a seeker
While You oblivious to my pain dream on as me

Oh Lord! Wake up as the four armed
Wake up as the One wearing the snake on Thy neck
Change this dream to play your games
May this dream body of Yours be fit to work Thy plans

What else could possibly be the reason
For me to wake up but to submit this false free will
To Thy service to Thy games
Oh Lord! I remain... I remain Thy dream .. Wake up

I am....

Sat Chit Ananda