You wake me up
In the middle of the night
Shining bright on my face
For this one night in full
Borrowed is Thy Light
That shines down on me
Yet bright and lovely You are
Like this mind I call me
This too is borrowed
The thought that tries to speak
The same light that hallows you
The same One that cannot be spoken about
I am these thoughts that emerge
From the screen of the mind
Like a projector He streams
Not judging not controlling
Like you who waxes and wanes
My mind peaks and drops
To levels I choose not to reveal
Yet the same Light is He who lights me
I behold oh moon Thy beauty
I pray to the Light That reveals us
To shine through my mind always
Always so that I may be bright as you oh full moon
This thought that speaks of You Oh Lord
Is but Thy light shining through
Yet I have no way of being You
For I see me as an entity other than You
Make me see Your Truth
Make my mind clear as crystal
Make these words speak Thy name alone
May my mind be in the moment which is only You
Sat Chit Ananda