I long for that day I sing your praise
I wait for those few moments of exertion
I long for those minutes of ecstacy
Singing out your name amidst your devotees
Oh Lord Your name gives so much joy
My twisted mind just stops and cries
When I hear Your name Oh Lord
Yet I know I am so lowly to reach You
Is there any pleasure Oh Lord that
Brings out the pinnacle of emotions
Is there a word Oh Lord
That breaks free the shackled thoughts of Love
Oh Lord thy name is That I think
As I long again and again to sing of
Yet I neither have the voice nor the knowledge
Of singing Your praise Oh Shiva
Thy feet They tap the rhythms with Thy gait
Thy anklets the snakes hiss in ecstacy
Thy dumuru They evoke life from slumbering ignorance
Thy primordial fire burns up the lust and thoughts of Thy devotess
I seek Thee for freedom
I seek Thee for Joy
I plead Thy name shamelessly
Oh Lover Oh Destroyer of ALL
Sarvam Shivamayam Jagat
Isha vasyam Idam Sarvam
As You burn Me
I become Thee
Aham Brahmasmi... Om Tat Sat