The gap between You and i does not exist. It is but a notion of distance as distance is space and space - Akasha is You. This notion is but a lack of understanding. There is a notional faith in You. Faith is there when You and i are different. When space is You, then Sarvam - All is You. Distance is You, hence there is NO distance. What is far is near as Akasha is You. Hence where is the question of Faith. There MUST be ONLY LOVE. It is only possible to see SARVAM as LOVE. When distance - Akasha - Space is but ONE where is the OTHER. There is nothing else to compare with; nothing else with which to be judged; nothing but one infinite presence conscious of nothing but itself...Sat- Chit- Ananda
Show me LOVE. Let this ONENESS seep into every pore of my being that this notional difference disappear. Let me realize and BE the TRUTH THAT i seek.
That which I seek cannot be other than me as I cannot be OTHER than Thee. There cannot be infinity minus me. I am THEE - Aham Brahmasmi.... Let there be LOVE!
Om Tat Sat