Thursday, April 02, 2015


The Ego stands bruised
Hurt and in agony
The identity questioned
And pushed aside for violation

Why this hurt ..
Why this balance of thought

Who are you
My name
Where are you from

What a conversation
Yet there is this hurt
A yearning to see
Or a loss of recognition to pass unquestioned

Softly i cry inside
Not knowing how to resolve

Wait could You do this
Your devotee ..You ..Me

I will never come here until You call me
You bring me here and i will see You
How could You do this

Still the hurt continues .. unresolved
Is it me holding back or is it You softly crying within

What can You do
You are stuck within
Locked in stone

While i... change
What haughtiness

Still stuck in thought ...

The Ego exists and raising its fangs when hurt