Perception of an object is a disturbance in pure consciousness as thought. The thought itself is perceived as an object be it a book, person etc. This perception of some'thing' outside of consciousness has to be balanced by 'That' which perceives. A subject is created. This subject develops a centered notion when perception is multiplied to 'many' thought perceptions. The perceived objects themselves are nothing but thought forms as the dream objects have no reality when the dream itself is ended.
Dream of the sat-chit-ananda existence-consciousness-bliss.
Has to be realized as the subject; is the waking person, the ego. Can be realized when all thoughts seize and the subtle 'presence' of consciousness is understood as the substance, the canvas where the world is projected as the dream.
thought = various combinations of Space+Wind+Fire+Water+Earth = Pancha Bhuthas
When the Pancha Bhuthas are perceived the balancing force of perceiver is the ego=jiva=individual. When the perception and the perceiver are neutralized in concentration by the knowledge of sat-chit-ananda the dance of shiva is realized as a blazing light in an instance and fiery dance in time.
This world is my dream and I am the dreamer.