Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Ego is included

Sum total of all results seem 0 from the perspective of life and goals and Infinite from the stand point of existence simply because all of existence + that which exists + that which imagines all of Existence  (ego) in consciousness can only be Infinite

All this is just a quarter of Him/Her/It and if measured is more than anything that can be measured ... from my little understanding of Purushasuktham

I am ...

Rambling again ...

Some how I've been happy and convinced that the 'universe' (I like multi verse better ) itself is just consciousness and the whole is witnessing through individual sheaths as beings - insects animals humans viruses even fetuses. ...time itself is in question as our '100' year life is too big from animal stand point and just ok for other creatures ...what to talk about the fetus

But from a parent of the fetus the memory of losing the life would take a much of the lifetime to heal who knows what the fetus even experienced
It's the mind and memory alone which brings meaning to abstract sounds as words and 'eternal unblemished' decorated space as 'worlds'

Maybe it was for experiencing maybe for witnessing maybe it's just a memory ...another electrical pulse ..imagination ..maaya

I am...

Thursday, January 22, 2015


I love the matrix theory  ...only there isn't a 'real' world that you could get to if you unplug ..

Also ; You could always choose the other pill and believe what you want

Infinite is something imaginary as what we believe when we use the word 'infinite ' is based on an imagined idea of beyond

The super soul or many souls or whatever we call it is included in that concept of infinite including the individual 'i' me who is referring to it ....

So numbers increasing or decreasing doesn't matter to infinity

Purushasuktham states that what we know is not even a quarter of what is and what is , is  10 steps more than that

So any amount of parallels is only a point of reference to ones understanding with respect to Infinity

Now the one soul many soul discussion is based on local reality with respect to the body and the 'known' world and is infinitesimally small as far as the Infinite is concerned

Now super soul = Super Consciousness = Infinte

But that is imaginary as I cannot 'know ' the Infinite

But ...The Infinite has to include me the infinitesimally small jiva = soul else 'IT' (unfortunately ) cannot be Infinite

So i  am part of the Infinite = my consciousness is part of the Infinite = I am the Infinite

Aham Brahmasmi

I am...