Saturday, March 22, 2014

We are so small

We cannot begin to see the realms beyond periphery
These ghosts and odd anomalies that whisper of reality

But modern man is so adept at skimming past the ocean's depths
From shoal to shore but still convinced

We can't feel the spinning underneath
This globe rotates and no one perceives
We're so small but man always believes
We are the center, measure of all things

If this is where we lie, some place between the matter and the mystified
And only foolish minds would attempt to fit the universe inside

Maybe all our lives are founded in the moments that escape our eyes
And prudent hearts will find that there is beauty in the mysteries of life

We are so small

- Sean Derr from an fb comment

Sunday, March 09, 2014


10 SEC READING the writer and God

During his whole life, the Greek author Nikos Kazantzakis (Zorba, The Last Temptation of Christ) was an absolutely coherent man.
Although he touched on religious themes in many of his books – such as an excellent biography of Saint Francis of Assisi – he always considered himself a confirmed atheist.
Well, this confirmed atheist wrote one of the most beautiful definitions of God that I have ever come across:

“We gaze with perplexity at the highest part of the spiral of force that governs the Universe.
“And we call it God.
“We could give it any other name: Abyss, Mystery, Absolute Darkness, Total Light, Matter, Spirit, Supreme Hope, Supreme Despair, Silence.
“But we call it God, because only this name – for some mysterious reason – is capable of making our heart tremble with vigor.

“And let there be no doubt that this trembling is absolutely indispensable for us to be in contact with the basic emotions of the human being”.