As I try again to do plough through the Gita I stall and stumble... this is not the first time. There have been years in between verses where I could not make progress. Each time it was was more difficult.. but never was it so dead of spirituality... no classes ...hardly any new book... very little satsang. My car rides to the factory are also silent ones...rarely an FM song on the radio
A new challenge ...a new situation... the challenge seems to be one that I have ignored for long...
Shravanam Mananam Nidhidhyasanam Dhyanam ....Dhyanam... Dhyanam
Stilling the mind and letting it be clear of thoughts and instilling in it a sense of Truth... and then the minds whips a scenario and runs loose... wild and uncouth! Imagining situations that never were...never will be...making them realities and giving them logic... raising strong emotions and raising the ego....SNAP!!!!
The onset of the preoccupation has been steady and seems to threaten the most basic of conversations...worry seems to be a common theme for the mind... a trailing issue from school can call for a host of thoughts from friends to not so friends... some good thought and some that could be very different...
Where did spirituality go... hidden among the mire of imagination...
The new war...the new old problem... vikshepa Shakthi- wandering imaginative distractive power
I pray to you oh Divine me the way!!!