Sunday, March 17, 2013

Back to Innocence

While I heap layer over layer of flowers
Chanting sacred hymns in the Lords name
I am aware of the thoughts that freely run
Over-lapping the meaningful devotion outwardly exhibited

With every flower that I wish to adorn His feet
I also humbly submit my thoughts unto Him
Knowing fully well that not all are but free of sin!
Thoughts are but a continuum of the minds rant
A habit of continuous ill use
Greed and lust take charge when logic stops
And unto fear i submit my will
Walking away from God until its prayer time..

Laced with these thoughts I watch
My children as they assist me in prayer
Innocent and clear in conscience they do
Mimicking my every action in mirth
Thoughts am sure are simple
Doing the task for tasks sake
Enjoying every bit of action done
Devoted only to fun they do,
What I try time and again and fail

I seek Thee Dear Lord
For I know my thoughts that flow
I seek Thy hands to work within
My mind that has ceased to play
Show me the joy in work
Show me Thy playful state
Let me regain that innocence
That I seem to have lost today

Let every action be in Thy thoughts
Let every thought be mixed in Thee
May You work these hands freely
For I seek to merge in Thee..

Sat Chit Ananda

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

The 4 laws of Da Vinci

1. Study the art of science
2. Study the science of art
3. Use and develop all your senses, especially your sense of vision
4. Remember, in someway or another, Everything connects to everything else

Building brainpower - Dilip Mukerjea