Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pebbles in a stream


We're all just pebbles in a stream
Earth burnt and chilled
Made hard and rigid
Chipped by time and pushed away
To be thrown away from the parent rock
In bits, crude and sharp
Until time chips away the edges
As air and water, the elements in motion
Brought together and formed as pebbles
Edges round and surface smooth
We cuddle in with other stones
Until time as a stream separate us
To be pushed away again into change
Until time flows over and all the hardness is gone
As clay we form and mould ourselves into nature
Until that too disintegrates into space
And we become one with space

We know not why we are together
We know not why we travel through time
We know not why we change so
We know not what such a journey fulfills

It is true we are now pebbles
And together we remain in this moment
It is love that has brought us together
The same love that shall move us on
We are the same my love
Hold on to every moment in joy
Let us be in this moment for we recognize the Truth In Love

We are but pebbles in a stream
Why we remain together and how long
Shall be determined by the stream of time And Love

So long my loved one
It is time to move on

Sat Chit Ananda

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Offering- Arpan

I offer Thee a seat, wash Thy feet
Chandan (sandal paste), kumkum recognizing Thy Divinity,
I chant and pray offering flowers at Thy feet
An external devotion visible to the eye
Judged and commented by others

Yet there is unhappiness, a feeling of being incomplete
The awareness of ignorance and prejudice within un-adressed
A knowledge that whatever that could be offered by me as mine into you're feet is already Thine

Today I offer Thee what is truly mine
My thoughts good, bad, fowl, pleasant
My emotions, my disturbances, my sorrow,my anger
for these are truly mine aware only to Thee
Hence worthy to be offered to Thee for worship

For now I pray to give me the knowledge, the patience, the forbearance, the understanding and acceptance
That all that is going within the mind is a product of my own doing and that I truly deserve such a situation
And all that I offer to you that is good is You're own doing in Thy Infinite Kindness

While i offer to Thee all the blessed offerings externally as prescribed
I offer Thee internally all my shortcomings

Now I am truly happy with this prayer for I pray with an own heart through all the disturbances that You are my final destination and I offer myself whole heartedly to Thee

Kaayena Vaacha Manas Indriyeerva
Budhyatvanava prakruteysvabhavad
Karomi Yad Yad Sakalam Parasmay
Narayanayeti Samarpayaami