Every one has a bit of good news in them
The good news is that
You really don't know
How great you can be
How much you can love
What you can accomplish
What your potential its!! !
Anne Frank
En Manas - My mind A rumble through thoughts and feeling so sporadic yet sometimes deep. Does one thought lead to the next and does this make me who I am. A diary for my emotions -
Every one has a bit of good news in them
The good news is that
You really don't know
How great you can be
How much you can love
What you can accomplish
What your potential its!! !
Anne Frank
He who binds to himself a joy
Doth the wine life destroy
But he who kisses the Joy as it flies
Lives in Eternity`s sunrise
You are what your deep driving desire is. As its your desire so is your will. as is your will so is your act. As is your act so is your destiny
Life its meant to be a flow; every flow is meant to be uneven and therein lies the capacity to make progress
Subroto Bagchi
What we seek as our highest goal depends upon what we believe ourselves to be - Sri Ramanuja
All that we are is tree result of what we have thought - Buddha
When we believe we are the mind, no matter what we are doing, part of the mind cannot help but chew over the same problems over and over. - Eknath Easwaran