Sunday, February 26, 2012


Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

Question: Swamiji , you said that developing the right attitude should be the technique for eliminating passion and prejudice when executing our actions. However, many a time, emotions seem to overcome us and we act upon them. At times, it seems as though we are helpless! How can we avoid this?

Poojya Swamiji: Both attitude and aim are something you have to decide upon and grow in your mind fondly, judiciously. This itself is an introspectional process, vichaara-saadhana. Understand how vichaara becomes saadhana. Vichaara is a process of inner churning. Think and reflect: "What is life, and what are its aims? What is an activity, and how does it relate to life?" Pursue vichaara until you become clear. Once the answer or outcome gets infused into the mind, it will irresistibly govern all actions that you perform.

Culture of any attitude is just like culture of truth, truthfulness. Vichaara is itself a pursuit, by which the mind changes drastically. Let counter emotions surge or try to surge. Once you know they are against spiritual growth, in that very understanding, the need to remove them is implied. Then act upon the findings. That is all.

In fact, is this not like driving your car? Every time you have to turn, you must reduce the speed and sometimes apply the brake; sometimes you want to give space for others to overtake; some times you slow down and allow pedestrians to cross. Are you not doing all these? Does it not mean making the necessary adjustments? Likewise, deal with the `counter-emotions' too. What is the difference? Where is the difficulty?

In other words, along with objective interactions, you will also have a `mind-checking' and `attitude-correcting' process at work. That only enhances your worth, ability and effectiveness. Your actions become not only objectively productive, but also subjectively enriching and elevating.

If you are able to do it well, can you imagine, how lofty, great and powerful will the interactions then be? You will be led to inner expansion. All the great epic creations have flowed from such benevolent inner expanse. Valmiki welcomed and nursed Sita, Lava and Kusha, with such a mind. Kanva Maharshi looked after Shakuntala also likewise.