Suddenly I see you today in a flash
Shanka Chakra Gada and Lotus in hand
Glowing brighter than a thousand suns
And all I can make out is Your Divine Smile
Let there be words and words that come to me
That praise You Oh Luminous One
Let there be thoughts and feeling that emanate
The Joy out of which I remember You
Let there be You in all I can do and get
That bring out the devotion to You
Let there be shamelessness in my praise to You
Oh beautiful One as I feel the Love grow inside
Your Love envelops all this, has and what shall be
Your presence substantiates rather makes existant
All that has been and shall be
Yet I have not seen You caressingly holding me and showing the way
Your Love oh Lord has cleared this mud pool
Bringing out the Love that shaines from within
As a reflection in a muddied water body
Only to close in again due to the habits I have developed
Oh Lord I seek Thee in the thoughts I think
In the words I say In the actsI do
And results I yearn, The feelings that
Bring me joy or sorrow is You Dear Krishna
My entire being is You
Nay I am but a reflection I am but You
Your game for Your sport
Oh Love show me the way to Love
I Love You
Om Tat Sat